Best UCL Fantasy Team 2022/23 & Season Recap

The 2022/23 season of Fantasy Champions League is now over. Let’s quickly look back to this season, on the best (top scoring team) and some notes, that could help us improve our game for the next season. Best UCL Fantasy Team 2022/23 Let’s look at the best team of UCL Fantasy 2022/23: Goalkeeper: Onana (63 […]

Predicting Balls Recovered: a Data-Driven Attempt

Matej’s note: Many thanks to Mike for sharing with us his data-driven attempt for predicting balls recovered in Fantasy Champions League. If we could predict balls recovered, that would be a game changer! Now let’s jump to Mike’s article. On a high level, the UCL Fantasy is a type of optimization problem called the “knapsack […]

UCL Fantasy Season 2021/22 Review

The 2021/22 season of Fantasy Champions League is now over. It was a fantastic ride with a great finale.  Season recap It was a season where balls recovered did not play such a significant role as in two previous seasons.  Chip strategy was extremely important – it was important to use your chips in the […]