So here is our teams report as usual. It is probably more accurate than the previous one, because now we have all 6 previous matches played. Here is the reminder of color coding from worst to best:

Teams metrics

If you forgot what the columns mean, you can read the explanations here.
Also, it often happens that a team has an unexpectedly great or awful match that does not show their real form. So, we simultaneously create another table based on the last 6 games but without one best and one worst match.
Teams Ranking
It is quite hard to contemplate tables this big, so we simplify them and narrow them to just 2 columns for attacking stats and defensive stats.
So the changes from the previous week are:
- Attack improvement: Brentford, Crystal Palace, Leicester, Newcastle
- Attack worsening: Aston Villa, Chelsea, Wolves
- Defense improvement: Crystal Palace, Leicester
- Defense worsening: Aston Villa, Liverpool
Schedule with according changes: